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Frequently Asked Questions



SAINTCON is the annual cyber-security conference presented by the Utah Security Advisory and Incident Network Team (“UtahSAINT”).

This event is an IT and Cyber-Security Professionals conference with a hard focus on cyber-security topics.

The conference began in 2001 and has been held throughout the State of Utah.  Prior to 2013, this event was called the UtahSAINT Conference, but was renamed to be more recognizable and could flourish on its own.

What happens at SAINTCON?

Most people come to listen to the Presentations and Trainings, but year by year we continue to bring more and more elements into the conference. While the presentations are great, we provide a rich experience that allows attendees to focus on things that interest them the most.

Games and Contests are a major part of SAINTCON. Many people spend their entire time at the conference (and in their hotels) playing the Hackers Challenge game. Hackers Challenge was originally used to provide “Something else to do” during less interesting presentations, but has become a serious and high skills driven game that the attendees love to play.

How much does it cost to attend SAINTCON?

Usually somewhere between $250-$350

SAINTCON ticket costs change from year-to-year based on the projected costs for the conference.  As a general cost-recovery conference, we will set the cost as low as possible to cover costs with a small margin of surplus to cover unexpected costs should they arise.

Will I get hacked at SAINTCON?

Probably not!

We do a lot of security education at SAINTCON, so it may be only natural for someone to be super-excited and test a new skill against their network-connected friends.  This is discouraged, but cannot be completely controlled.

We recommend that you come to the conference with a certain level of paranoia and protect yourself and your devices appropriately by using VPNs, and other methods.

Where is SAINTCON held?

SAINTCON will be held at the
Utah Valley Convention Center
220 West Center Street, Suite 200 Provo UT, 84601

Is there an age limit to attend SAINTCON?


In fact we encourage you to bring younger attendees to SAINTCON. We have expanded this option in recent years, and have found that much of what we do and discuss is beneficial to High School students and younger.

SAINTCON has a long tradition of being a family-friendly environment, even though we do not monitor or enforce this culture.

All attendees younger than 18 years old, MUST be accompanied by an adult.

Who makes money off SAINTCON?


SAINTCON is a labor of love and has no paid staff.  The planning committee, staff, and volunteers only receive our gratitude and a couple of thank-you items and perks for their year-long-work.

Several years ago we started providing compensation for contractors and enhanced content providers for things like: Trainings, Keynotes, Badge design, etc.  These honorariums are very reasonable and often barely cover the cost of their time.

SAINTCON is a non-profit endeavor, and we spend nearly every dollar we collect from registration on the event each year.  We usually end up with around $15-20k/yr of surplus that we retain in a budget for the next year startup costs, and to pay organization bills (storage leases, subscriptions, accounting, etc.).

What are MiniBadges?

Loosely defined, MiniBadges are small electronic-based components, usually approximately 1″ by 1″ square designed on a circuit-board. 

MiniBadges are generally designed to plug into the SAINTCON Conference Badge for power and sometimes more.  The MiniBadge concept was the original brain-child of “zZq” and shared with the UtahSAINT Community.  Since the beginning, MiniBadge popularity has exploded with the average number of MiniBadges each year is well over the 17000.

Over the years, we have seen some incredibly creative designs, and many from individuals with little to no design experience.  Each year we are impressed to see how many new designs appear.  It is VERY common to now have ~8-10% of conference attendees bringing their own minibadges to SAINTCON to trade.

We highly encourage new-comers to check out and learn MiniBadge design skills.  It’s an extremely useful skill for the geeks in the world.  Minibadges can be super simple, or super complex.  We have seen minibadges with just 1 or 2 LEDs, to fully-functional computers designed to do various things.  Learning how to build them is not difficult, and we have several tutorials on YouTube to help you get started.

Basically the popularity of MiniBadges is not to different from Pokemon™ cards, Olympic pins, or other collectables.  Value is in the eye of the beholder.

If im not a Security Professional, should I attend?


SAINTCON is not just for IT and Security professionals, but is for anyone who has an interest in cyber-security. If cyber-security, hacking, security research, or other similar things interest you, you will likely enjoy SAINTCON.

Is SAINTCON just for Education/Government agencies?


SAINTCON has of course grown from a strong interaction from Public Education but is not limited to this mission. We continue to expand the conference to include private corporations and non-education entities. We feel that this strengthens our conference and the UtahSAINT Organization. SAINTCON is open to anyone and everyone who would like to attend.

We will always continue however to have an education focus in key areas, however Network Security does not differ significantly in application.

How do I get involved with SAINTCON?

Involvement in SAINTCON is an organic thing.

Many of the people involved in the conference just seem to show up and start helping. Soon after, they realize what they have gotten themselves into, but by then it’s too late. These days, however, we strive for a little more organization than we have in the past. To get involved all you need to do is be willing to help, and reach out to one of the members of the Conference Committee.

Our most formal process for getting involved begins with our Call for Volunteers which occurs in the May/June timeframe. You will find this call in the official SAINTCON Discord server.

How can I speak/present at SAINTCON?

You can submit a response to our Call for Papers. All entries are evaluated by the conference committee and those chosen are notified soon after the CFP closes.  CFP for SAINTCON is generally done in two phases:

  • Phase 1 – Open Call for anyone to submit.
  • Phase 2 – Finding presenters for content gaps.

Call for Speakers details will be prominently displayed on the event website and generally occur in the April/May timeframe. You can find that call on the official SAINTCON Discord server.


Are discount tickets available?


For many years, SAINTCON has offered discount tickets for qualifying groups or people.  This process has always been evaluated based on need, bulk, and other factors.

in 2021, we realized that the logistics involved in offering discounts created a logistical problem that was reaching a tipping point in time, resources, and coordination. 

So we decided from 2022 on, we will no longer provide discounts for normal registrations.

Along with this change, we have formalized two new programs which we believe address the majority of the discount needs.  These are the “Scholarship Program” and the “Student Group Program“.  With these two programs we hope to continue to provide for the needs of the community where finances are a major issue, and appreciate your understanding of our need to reduce logistical load on an all-volunteer administrative-team.

When does Registration Open?

Registration for SAINTCON often opens in the middle of July.  More specific details about registration are always available on the main page of the website.

Why does SAINTCON sell out so fast?


Over the years, SAINTCON has proven itself to be one of the best cybersecurity conferences out there.  The popularity of the conference now draws interest and attendees from around the globe.

That along with the 2000 attendee maximum we allow, make tickets for SAINTCON a hot commodity.

Tickets are SOLD OUT, how does the STANDBY LIST work?

Once tickets are sold-out, the only method to get one is to be on the Standby List.   Tickets are made available for folks on the standby list in the following ways:

  1. Tickets held in reserve for Staff/Speakers/Volunteers to register that are not needed after all expected individuals have registered, are made available for folks on the standby list.
  2. Tickets that are cancelled by an individual who can no longer attend, and who have requested a refund are made available to the standby list.

That pretty much it!

Can people scalp tickets to SAINTCON?


Tickets are registered in the system to a specific and unique individual, and require a Photo ID to claim at registration.

Can I transfer my ticket to someone else?


SAINTCON provides a transfer self-service system which may allow you to transfer a purchased ticket to another individual.  This service is available here:

How do I get a copy of my receipt?

SAINTCON event receipts have a knack of ending up in email filters and spam folders.  Things have improved greatly in recent years, but in the event you need to resend yourself a receipt,
click here:

Will you ship my materials to me if I do not show up?


We are unable to provide this service.


When does Call for Sponsors Launch?

May 12, 2025 – 12:01p MDT

At this time, the link to the forms submission will become active on the Sponsorship Page of the SAINTCON Website. (You may need to refresh the page).

How many sponsorship slots are available?

Due primarily to space constraints, SAINTCON has availability to support about 20 sponsors total*.  These generally include:

2 – Event Partners
15 – Gold Sponsors
3 – Community Sponsors

* These numbers are subject to change and adjustments based on several factors.

How fast do Sponsorships sell out?

Very Fast!

Most sponsorship opportunities are sold-out within 24 hours of launch!  It is important that you plan to submit your proposal as soon as Call for Sponsors launches.

How do you decide which sponsors participate?

Sponsorships are processed on a First Come, First Served basis. 

Sponsors that have participated in previous years generally have the advantage of already understanding the signup process.

What is included in my sponsorship?

Check the Prospectus!

All of the details about what is included in each sponsor level is clearly stated int he prospectus.  If somehow an important detail is missing, please reach out to the sponsorship team via email.