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The UtahSAINT Organization is excited to announce the Conference Scholarship Program


Scholarship Program Overview

At SAINTCON, we recognize that many individuals would greatly benefit from our events but face financial barriers that prevent them from attending. To address this issue, we have established a Scholarship Program designed to support the most talented and promising “hackers” in their participation at this extraordinary event. We are delighted to announce that for SAINTCON 2023, we will be offering up to 20 scholarships.

It is important to note that the Scholarship Program aims to assist individuals rather than entire groups. Each application is evaluated independently, and scholarships are awarded accordingly. However, if you have a student or a group that you believe deserves consideration for free attendance, we encourage you to reach out to us so we can discuss the situation further.

Criteria and Qualifications:

To ensure that scholarships are awarded to individuals who can benefit from them the most, the following eligibility requirements apply:

  • Applicants must be at least 14 years old.
  • Applicants under 18 years old must be accompanied by a adult attendee who is not dependent on a scholarship to attend.
  • Applicants must not be currently employed by a company who might otherwise pay for entry to the conference.
  • Applicants must submit an essay as outlined below.


What is included in the Scholarship Award?

The scholarship includes a Free Pass to the conference, and includes conference-provided lunches and snacks.

What is NOT included in the Scholarship Award?

The scholarship does NOT include costs for travel, hotel, additional meals, and any other expense incurred by the awardee.

Award process and notification

All submissions are reviewed by a panel made up of security professionals and are ranked using several factors.  The top submissions are selected for award and notifications about the outcome of the scholarship process are sent to the registered email address.  Scholarship award emails will contain a Registration Code allowing for free registration.

Incomplete applications, or applications determined by the panel to not meet the eligibility requirements are disqualified.   Disqualified applications can be re-submitted with corrected information and may be awarded if scholarship seats still remain available.

As a Disclaimer, SAINTCON reserves the right to award scholarships based on criteria set forth by the conference committee. We are committed to fairness, but as security professionals we understand that there is truly no possible way to ensure a completely perfect award process without introducing many levels of complexity which take valuable time and resources. Not sure this disclaimer is even necessary, but it’s here just in case.

Terms and Conditions

Applicants who receive an award, must register within seven (7) days of award notification, otherwise their seat may be re-assigned to the next eligible scholarship applicant.

All scholarship tickets are non-transferable and must be used by the awarded applicant. 

If an awardee is no longer able to attend, they must notify SAINTCON registration as soon as they make that determination to that it can be allocated to another applicant.